
任田(1989-),2012本科毕业于西北农林科技大学,2017年获美国奥本大学食品科学博士学位,2018年入职bat365在线平台官网,副教授。主要从事食品抗菌活性包装、食品智能包装、挥发性抗菌剂控释领域的研究工作。现主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省国际科技合作重点项目、陕西省重点研发计划、西安市青年人才托举计划、国家环境保护食品链污染防治重点实验室开放课题各1项,中央高校科研业务基金2项,研究结果在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Control, Food Chemistry, 中国粮油学报等国内外期刊发表。
1. Li Q, Hu X, Perkins P, Ren T*, 2023.Antimicrobial film based on poly(lactic acid) and natural halloysite nanotubes for controlled cinnamaldehyde release. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 224: 848-857.
2. Li Q, Ren T*, Perkins P, 2022. The development and application of nanocomposites with pH-sensitive “gates” to control the release of active agents: Extending the shelf-life of fresh wheat noodles. Food Control. 132: 108563.
3. Zhang K, Ren T, Harper D, Li M. 2022. Development of antimicrobial films with cinnamaldehyde stabilized by ethyl lauroyl arginate and cellulose nanocrystals. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 33: 100886.
4. An L, Hu X, Perkins P, Ren T*. 2022. A sustainable and antimicrobial food packaging film for potential application in fresh produce packaging. Frontiers in Nutrition. 924304.
5. Li Q, Ren T*, Perkins P, Hu X, Wang X. 2021. Applications of halloysite nanotubes in food packaging for improving film performance and food preservation. Food Control. 121: 107876.
6. Liu L, Shi Z, Wang X, Ren T, Ma Z, Li X, Xu B, Hu X*.2021. Interpreting the correlation between repeated sheeting process and wheat noodle qualities: From water molecules movement perspective. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 151:112219.
7. Zhang K, Huang TS, Yan H, Hu X, Ren T*. 2020. Novel pH-sensitive films based on starch/polyvinyl alcohol and food anthocyanins as a visual indicator of shrimp deterioration. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 145: 768-776.(高被引)
8. Zhang L. Ren T, Qiao M, Huang TS, Xia X*. 2019. The reduction of Salmonella on chicken skin by the combination of sodium dodecyl sulfate with antimicrobial chemicals and coating wax microemulsions. Poultry Science. 0:1-7.
9. Feng Y, Wang X, Ma Z, Ren T, Li X, Hu X*. 2019. Effect of processing on the in vitro digestion characteristics of oat products by using a dynamic rat stomach-duodenum model. Journal of Functional Foods. 61: 103277.
10. Yang K, Dang H, Liu L*, Hu X, Li X, Ma Z, Wang X, Ren T. 2019. Effect of syringic acid incorporation on the physical, mechanical, structural and antibacterial properties of chitosan film for quail eggs preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 141: 876-884.
11. Ren T, Qiao M, Huang TS*, Jean W, Ren X. 2018. Efficacy of N-halamine compound on reduction of microorganisms in absorbent food pads of raw beef. Food Control. 84, 255-262.
12. Ren T, Qiao M, Zhang L, Jean W, Huang TS*, Ren X. 2018. Antimicrobial activity of N-halamine coated materials in broiler chicken houses. Journal of Food Protection. 81(2), 195-201.
13. Ren T, Hayden M, Huang TS*, Jean W, Ren X. 2018. Absorbent food pads containing N-halamine compound for potential antimicrobial use in chicken breast and ground chicken. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 66(8), 1941-1948.
14. Ren T, Dormitorio T, Jean W, Huang TS*. 2018. N-halamine incorporated antimicrobial nonwoven fabrics for use against avian influenza virus. Veterinary Microbiology. 218, 78-83.
15.Yin M, Lin X, Ren T, Li Z, Ren X*, Huang TS. 2018. Cytocompatible quaternized carboxymethyl chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) blend film loaded copper for antibacterial application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 120: 992-998.